Wednesday Night Post Game: Abraham Lincoln Beard

Good morning everybody. 
Today would be Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday. Even if he had lived to be 200 years old, I doubt very much he would look any more or less scary. What a guy!
Last night was great. We kicked things off with a J and Not Ed Variety Show (which I'm currently trying to upload to Youtube, and they're being babies...) including Dr. Phill playing some B-Ball. It might not have been one of the funniest skits we've ever done, but I think it might be one of the most well shot. If youtube ever gets off it's butt I'll post it here. Until then, enjoy this video:
For a game we went with the old stand by. 

Worship actually went extremely well too. We sang Mighty to Save, which is turning into a crowd favorite. Then I tagged on the bridge to The Stand, which was also pretty well recieved. I feel like our kids are finally starting to see why worship is so important.
 Then we waltzed into the dreded sex talk. Actually, as could easily have been predicted, we didn't get to cover everything I wanted to cover last night, so I'm splitting the talk and going back to cover part two next week. More on this later I am certain. 
I got me some new shoes last night. They're that red. There is no effect on the photograph. I am in no danger of being hit by cars at night any more. Unless of course I blind the driver. However, I love the feeling of new shoes, and so I leave you with this:

More later.