Hey gang,
Thought I'd post some photos from the trip thus far. I'm really going to try to take a lot of pictures while we're down here. These one's aren't that exciting yet, but I felt like blogging this morning!
Something for the kids who went on the South Carolina mission trip last year. The airport in Charlotte had a Bojangles. I did not eat there, and Ed assures me I did not miss anything!
The view from my hotel room is amazing! When I checked in, Matt and Ed asked the kind woman at the counter how high up she could place me, and the answer was the 62nd floor! That's insane!
They have what looks like a really cool aquarium here. Did I make this up or did Ghost Busters investigate this place? I'm not sure, but if I was on vacation instead of the convention, I would totally be going there. I love aquariums.
What now, Wolf Blitzer? I'm taller than CNN!
So that's where I am now. For some reason, my iPhone won't keep a charge, so I'm going to try my hardest to get it charged this morning so I can take more. I have a couple of sessions picked out already, plus of course the big rooms, so we'll see you guys later this afternoon with another exciting blog post!
Coffee Count:
3 from yesterday, plus
1 cup of Starbucks Africa Kitamu. The hotel gives it to you in the room. How wrong is that?
Total: 4 Cups of Coffee.
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