Hey everybody,
This is yesterday's post of course, but by the time I got back the hotel last night I was completely wiped! I crashed pretty much right away and never looked back. Matter of fact, I think I looked just like this kid. Crazy.
Yesterday morning started with Beth Moore's worship leader, Travis Cottrell. I don't mean to offend anybody, but I felt like I was being led in worship by the same people who produce The View. I mean don't get me wrong, it was good. They were a really talented band, but it just wasn't my style. I felt very out of place.
From there I made my way to a geeky workshop. I learned all about recording options for songwriters. Perhaps you as a blogging community can help me out with this by encouraging me, but I would really like to do a better job of writing more songs. Our speaker yesterday morning informed us that a friend of hers did a search of the CCLI top 25 songs for 15 years, and not once in those 15 years did a song about the trinity show up. She challenged those of us who were song writers to take a crack at things that aren't often written about, like lent or advent. I have some ideas for songs now, and because I am a total sucker, thanks to yesterday's workshop I'm the proud owner of a new portable recorder.
From there, I skipped both the afternoon workshops and afternoon worship, because I was just tired. I ran out to CVS to get some snacks, and then made my way back to the hotel for a little bit of shut eye. It's hard sometimes on these trips to make sure that you're taking care of yourself and getting enough rest. We've been getting home every night around 10 or 11, getting to bed around midnight, and waking up again around 7. Two nights of that is ok, four nights of it is killing my sleep pattern. Coffee has become my new best friend.
After a Chinese food dinner and a quick "boy I wish I had more money" visit to Guitar Center, Curt and I worked our way back to the church to hear Matt Maher, Meredith Andrews, and Paul Baloche. I heard Meredith for the first time last night, but those other two guys are some of the best underrated worship leaders around. A lot of people don't seem to know who they are, but they are excellent. It was a terrific evening of worship, but I will say I'm starting to get a little bit worshipped out. It is possible to sing too much. It is possible to worship too much IN THE SAME WAY. And that's the key. Maybe sometime today I need to sneak away and sit and pray in silence. We'll see what the day brings.
I have all my workshops picked out. I can't believe the conference is almost over already, but man am I ready to hit the beach. New York City here I come!
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