Ok, ok. My keyboard has been suspiciously vacant lately. I'm really working on getting as many blog posts up as I can, but times have been busy. I think we're finally about to enter into a slow period for me.
Veritas Wrap Up
We wrapped up the last Veritas on Wednesday night. It was kind of a mix of joy and sadness. Obviously sadness at the exit of the seniors, and the incredible lack of things to do on Wednesday nights for the next couple of months. But a little bit of joy because Veritas, unlike youth groups I've led before, is a marathon rather than a sprint. We counted for next year, and from beginning to end we will participate in 36 Veritas. I counted how many I would have had if I was running SOAP this year, and it would have only be 20 or so. 16 extra youth groups doesn't sound like much, but it is. So I'm happy to take a break. I'm also happy to have a little bit of time to plan what we're working on for next year. I know I said this last year, but some of the stuff we're working on for the 2009/2010 year is going to make it the best season of youth ministry we've ever had. Buckle up.
Ed Cyzewski
Some of you know if you've been following my blog for a while now that through a series of technological communications, I developed a relationship with Ed Cyzewski, the author of Coffeehouse Theology, as well as in.a.mirror.dimly. We'd been e-mailing back and forth, so when I needed a speaker for our baccalaureate service, he was the first place my mind went. So, even though we'd never spoken over the phone or in person until he arrived in Pittsburgh, Ed is here and hanging out with us. Last night's baccalaureate service was really good, even though it was under-attended. Ed gave a great talk about the love of God, and I thought it was really well suited for the kids who are moving on to the next phase of their lives to hear that message one more time. Today we're going to hang out and show him around Pittsburgh, and tomorrow he's speaking at the Westminster Seminar, so if you're free you should check it out.
Dave Matthews Band
It's not a very big secret that I am a HUGE fan of the Dave Matthews Band. One of the first CDs I ever bought was Crash, and I fell in love with their sound. You absolutely must go out and get a copy of Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King. It's only been out a couple of days, but it is pretty quickly working its way to the number one spot of my favorite all time albums. Go get it right now.
Ok. Time to get ready for the day. Three cups of coffee are coursing through my veins, so I'm pretty wired right now. Wooo hooo!
Oh, PS:
Go Pens!
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