Greetings friends.
What an amazing day of worship today! I don't know about those of you who attend, but it seems to me lately that the Bridge is growing in the ways that we haven't been able to put words to. You wouldn't be able to look around and notice the changes physically, but it's been there. Every Sunday has been a pretty consistent experience of God's love for us in singing and in prayer and all kinds of ways. It's just been good.
(PS--this photo is SUCH a keeper)
Mandi was the worship leader this morning. It's been such a joy to have her voice be a part of our worship leadership. She's a great person to work opposite me and Ed, just to give us a bit of spice in our leadership. It's been wonderful. She was joined by Ian Gallo on the bass and the (can you even handle this?) electric cello, Kristi Reismeyer on the electric violin, and me on a variety of hand drums and percussion. Such drums always make me feel like this:
(actually, not a bad representation of me this mornin, what with the coffee and all)
Mandi's set list:
- O Worship The King
- I will worship/Worth of my praise
- Prince of Peace
- Heart of worship
- Blessed be your name.
Heart of Worship had to be one of my favorite moments of worship in a while. I just laid out of it, and let the strings and Mandi carry it. It was so wonderful.
Today's sermon was about peace, but more about what peace is not. As you saw when I was teasing the sermon, I was kind of taking a shot at those people in the world who think that if you have enough stuff, if your financial needs are met, then you'll have peace. I don't think so. I talked to the people who think that winning whatever argument they're in will bring them peace, even though I don't think it will. I talked about people who assume that if you simply avoid suffering, you'll be ok. If you sneak through life without offending anyone, without bothering any people, you'll work it out. It doesn't work like that. Jesus was SOOOOO willing to offend people, and so should we. (as long as we're simply speaking truth.) True peace, being none of these ideas, requires us to be satisfied in the love of Christ. I love the quote "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." Good thought.
I have an afternoon off. The Pens have won 5 straight. At 6 it gets serious. Let's go Pens!
More later,
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