I decided that we ought to have some post-game discussions each week. For those of you who don't know, our youth group meets on Wednesday nights, and our contemporary worship service (The Bridge) meets on Sunday. Since those two nights are the two most important/stressful events of our week, I figured each week we'd have a break down of what went on, and some further thoughts on whatever teachings went down. So here's the low-down on last night:
Cafe Time:
(From 5-6, we mingle with the kids while they eat our scrumptious foods.)
I had a simple goal during Cafe Time this week, and that was to make one of our students shoot cola out their nose. Sometimes it's helpful to have goals! After many many failed attempts, I finally got one. Honestly, it surprised even me, but witnesses say that they could hear me laugh in Bridgeville.
We actually had a special guest come by and run games for us. Our communication commission chair stopped by and led our kids in a spectacularly awesome communication game. If it were played properly, kids would have learned a great deal about how to work together and overcome obstacles together. But that would of course assume that our kids weren't criminals.
We had the first of many strong talking to's of the evening with Jr. High Students, who complained later that my "principals office" was a bit too small. This was the first time in the evening I was happy to posses decent anger management skills.
I led this week, which turned out only later to be a mistake, as I would also be leading the GLOW service (more on this later), and my poor voice couldn't take it. The Senior Highers were totally into worship, as were several Jr. Highers. However, the pocket of above mentioned cheaters were enjoying the fact that they could block the projector with their bodies and pillows, and then sat on each other and screamed. Nothing ruins a quite worshipful moment quite like "HEY GET OFF ME!"
We split the Jr. and Sr. high, as has been our custom the last few weeks. After a couple of really poor teachings on my part, I finally felt like last night we were clicking together. I felt like the kids were at least somewhat interested in what I had to say, and that they were at least awake enough to participate with me.
We walked through Romans Chapter one, and did so with only 15 minutes of time. I felt so bad, there was so much stuff in there, and we just didn't have enough time to cover it all. So this Friday, I'm inviting them all to join me to finish the conversation if they're really into it.
(Happy kids)
*Having kids attempt to give Ed a piggy back ride=hilarious.
*Trying to play my guitar at a serious worship service after 15 minutes of acoustic thrashing=out of tune guitar
*Trying to sing at youth group, teach a bible study, and then sing at a serious worship service with my horribly unprofessional voice=
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